How To Have A Productive Morning.



Having a productive morning usually = the whole day being productive or at least, getting it all out of the way. Since having a job and a blog I like to try to plan my time. I usually spend the weekday evenings in a bubble bath and weekend evenings drinking alcohol. So I ~try~ my best to have productive mornings.

Rise Early.

I know it’s easier said than done, but just try to resist the snooze button. And I know weekends were basically designed for lay-ins but I do secretly love it when I wake up at 8am on a Saturday and can’t get back to sleep. Sometimes I lay in bed and watch a film or I will get up and ready. It means the day is way longer (and you can fit a nap in later.)



If you want to be productive you need to eat- not only to be energised and all that rubbish but, because if you don’t eat you will probably spend the rest of the morning having to stop because your stomach rumbles are too distracting.



I could no longer live without my diary, probably because I have a v forgetful memory so I neeeeeeed to write everything down. But there’s something that makes everything feel a little more organised if it’s actually on paper. I use my diary as abit of a daily to-do list and ticking the stuff off is oddly satisfying.



My journal is literally my most precious possession. It’s kind of like my head on paper, where all of my crazy thoughts go. It helps sooo much with my productivity. Not only am I the biggest day dreamer but my head is also rammed with thoughts, so whenever I’m having a moment were I’m drifting or getting too stressed I open my journal and write anything that comes to mind. For me my journal is like my outlet so if you’re not the writing type pick something that fits for you e.g. drawing, dancing, running. I use the Pause journal from kikki.K that has pages and pages of thought provoking quotes and ideas. + Journals are the best to look back on!



This may not be for everyone as sometimes music has the opposite affect on some people. For me music zones me out, so if I want to get really stuck into something listening to music helps. However, if your the type that needs silence that’s totally fine- go with what works for you.



Make sure you’re working from somewhere that makes you ~want~ to get stuff done.
This also really depends on the type of person you are and what sense is your strongest/ the one you identify most with… So if you’re a visual person it’s unlikely that working from a dull room will increase your productivity. & the atmosphere plays a big part… natural light vs artificial light, smells, sounds, people etc.



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