Spring Lips.

Beauty, Life

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It’s HERE! Technically it’s still Winter but as soon as I noticed a little cluster of flowers that had sprouted up out of nowhere I automatically starting saying ‘it’s spring.’ Spring is one of my favourites (although, I notice I say that about every season.) But blossom is just too pretty. It’s crazy how much a blue sky, a bit of sun and a few flowers can produce so much optimism/happiness/motivation etc. It’s just crazy uplifting, don’t you think?

I’m so excited for light evenings, so it feels acceptable to go and sit in a beer garden after work. For pretty dog walks, iced coffees, mojitos (as they taste so much better when the suns shining), driving with the windows down (!!!!), butterflies (!!!!!!!), and BBQ’s (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Ah, so much excitement.

I don’t know about you but when Spring comes I automatically start whipping out brighter colours from my wardrobe and I think the lips are begging for a brightening too. Lipstick is obviously a huge staple for most females make-up bags but I think most stick to their usual colours that they feel comfortable with. But now the suns shining and we are slowly coming out of hibernation, it’s a good opportunity to mix things up in the make-up dept.
These are a few high-street lipsticks to brighten up your pout for Spring…

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Sleek Matte Me Lip Gloss- Shabby Chic, £4.99.

You can never really go wrong with Sleek Make-up & this lipstick is perfect for Spring. It’s very mauve which is so so pretty and one of the smoothest liquid lipsticks I’ve used. This is probably the darkest I go in Spring time, otherwise I end up feeling a little too Autumnal. Ps. This is so long lasting!

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Sleek Power Pump Lip Crayon- Fully Fuschia, £5.49.

Oh another Sleek. If you’re not into Matte lips or Glossy lips, this is the one for you. It’s more like lipstick consistency but the crayon design makes it way easier to apply. I would rarely wear this colour (even though it’s super pretty) but it’s just a little too pink for me. However… it looks fabulous on other people. My sister worked it for a party and side note, it looks so good with a black dress and subtle make-up.

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KIKO Pencil Lip Gloss- Pink Glitter, £3.90.
So a KIKO store just opened where I live and lets just say Kiko will for sure be featuring in a lot more posts… the products are lush. I was pretty much testing everything in the store when I came across this gem. The best way I can describe it is a lipliner/lipstick/lip crayon/lipgloss- all into one little stick. It’s not super pigmented which I actually really like because it looks subtle and v natural- like your pout naturally sparkles. Ps. I’ve used this over the top of a bolder matte lip just to jazz it up a bit.

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NYX Professional Makeup Round Lipstick- Snow White, £4.00.

I think it’s important to always have a classic, no matter what season it is. For me, red is the go-to. This lipstick has some coral tones to it, which I think gives it that Spring vibe. NYX’s products are always super pigmented which is so appealing when looking for a bright/bold lipstick.

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