Edible Christmas Trees.

Blogmas, Christmas, Food, Home, Life


What you will need:
2/3 Sheets of paper
Sticky tape
200g white chocolate melted
Green food colouring
200g rice krispies
Icing sugar

These were SO easy and fun to make! They actually look so realistic and would be perfect for a desert table decoration (which guests can also eat!)

-Fold and tape your paper into cone shapes.
-In a bowel add your melted white chocolate, green food colouring (until the mixture is very green) and rice krispies.
-Mix until the rice krispies are covered.
-Spoon the mixture into the cone shapes.
-Refrigerate for 1 hour.
-Once refrigerated, carefully peel off the paper and stand them up.
-Next, decorate how you like. I dusted icing sugar to look like snow!


The Perfect Hot Chocolate.

Autumn, Food, Home, Life

Autumn is the time of year when the nights are getting darker and colder and that means more cosy nights, blankets and hot drinks.  I often stick to cold drinks as hot drinks make me too hot. However… the colder seasons are an excuse to finally fit them into my drinking habits.


This is the calorific, tasty, perfect hot chocolate. (Just a small side note- I don’t drink these on the daily basis. They do contain A LOT of sugar!)


(For one serving.)
-It’s hard to determine the measurements as everyone’s mugs are different sizes, if you feel you need to add more/less I’m sure it will taste just as good.
1 & 1/2 tbsp of Coco Powder.
Mug of Milk.
5 Squares of Dark Chocolate.
Icing Sugar (if needed.)
Whipped Cream.
Mini Marshmallows.


-In a saucepan heat up the milk and add the coco powder and 4 squares of dark chocolate. -Stir the mixture regularly until the chocolate has melted, the ingredients is combined and the mixture is hot.
-You may want to taste the mixture to see if it is sweet enough for you- if it isn’t add a little icing sugar. (But remember the marshmallows will sweeten it too.)
-Pour the mixture into your mug.
-Sprinkle a couple of marshmallows on the top, then add the whipped cream.
-Sprinkle some more marshmallows on the cream and grate your last square of chocolate on the top to finish.
-And enjoy!
